Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lent without Facebook: a personal challenge or did I lose my mind??

How this started…
As my personal friends already know… I have given up Facebook for the duration of
Lent. No! I am not Catholic and No! I
haven’t lost my mind…. YET and that depends on who you ask, really…
In October I was guilted inspired to quit smoking by my
Little Man. Since then I have been on a roll!!! I quit drinking Coke (I figure
I was drinking 1000+ calories a day) and I quit eating junk food. I have also
made some additions; lean meat, more vegetables daily, (now here is the part
where some of you are going to think I have taken up fictional blogging…) I
exercise daily. FOR REAL!! And most importantly I am working on the spiritual aspect
of my life, getting to know Our Father better and letting it reflect in my role
as wife, mother, friend, and HUMAN.
Well, Mardi Gras season rolled around and here in Louisiana
that is a BIG DEAL. One night while reading this I
got to thinking about how we non-Catholics sure don’t mind celebrating the FUN
parts of Mardi Gras but once Ash
Wednesday begins the rest of us are finished with Mardi Gras season until next
year. As a personal challenge I decided to partake in Lent and give something
up that I enjoy. As I had already quit smoking, don’t drink regularly, red meat
is only once or twice a month, junk food is out, chocolate is a rare treat in
my diet anyway…. See where I am going here?
I couldn’t think of what to give up!!
On Fat Tuesday I saw a post by my friend Gina Astin asking who was giving
up Facebook for Lent, as she did not want to be worried about people who
disappeared suddenly, if you know Gina you know she would NOTICE and she would
also send the police to check on you! LOL (she is sweet like that!!) It was an
AH-HA moment for me!! I Facebook DAILY and by daily I mean I was checking it
every 20 minutes or so…. My friend Melissa M. and I got to discussing it (on
Facebook) and were both game so we did it!! We made a pact and we have stuck to
it! I took the app off of my phone and everything. My family met this news with
raised eyebrows and a few, “yeah rights.” But all that does is encourage me!! The
first few days were rough because it was just like breaking any other habit, it
took time. Melissa M. got a few random text from me, “Facebook thought of the
day….” Or “Amy is checking in at such and such.” LOL Though I will admit carpool
line has NEVER been so boring! But you what…. I am doing it!! I keep telling
the husband, ”I am SUCH A GOOD quitter!”
I ROCK at quitting, you guys!!

I get so much more done now!! I organize our menus, our
budget and finances, laundry gets folded in a timely manner, and
most importantly I spend more time with
God! I reflect on the day and think about ways I could improve or things I
could have handled differently. I don’t want this time to just be about,
but I want to actually gain some knowledge and experience during this time. To
learn more about me and grow in a way that He would want me to. So….. it’s a
personal choice for me, a little experiment, if you will…. I may blog about it once it’s complete. We will see….

OH!! I will say this: Some of my Facebook friends are WAY
better friends than my day to day-in person friends! I have noticed that I have
friends I can call to share a dilemma with, a concern or just a funny thought
and I get absolutely NOTHING!! No help, no concern, no words of advice, no reaction to my
HA-HA thought…. Come to think of it, these same friends RARELY comment on my post
either, it’s like they aren’t even seeing them until they mention it later, “oh
yeah, I saw that on Facebook,” and you realize they DO see!
What’s up withthat, huh??

So, what’s been up with us??? Let me see…..
Our tkd school competed in a tournament in February. We took
16 students and they totally ROCKED it and made us look good. My own tkd-ers
competed and Lou won a gold in forms and competed for Grand Champ.

She had just gotten contacts for near sightedness and is in
the middle of softball season so Husband decided she didn’t need to compete in
sparring because she hasn’t been training much, plus adjusting to the contacts…..
we really wanted to try and avoid an injury during ball season. (you will see
the irony in this thought process soon)

Anyway…. Braedon
competed and won both gold in sparring and forms. He then competed in the 12
and under (or was it 11 and under…. not sure) division for Grand Champ and he WON it!!
Husband competed and won gold in forms and silver in
sparring. He also competed for Grand Champ in forms and brought home that
trophy as well!!

I think in all the students brought home over 30 medals.
That’s a lot of hardware!! Not too
shabby for our little tkd school!! Proud of each and every one of our guys!! (and girls)

Little Man, Husband and one of our 7 year old students
stayed and took part in the WTA Team USA tryouts…. Now we wait and see how that
goes!! They did great and had a really good time.

Due to the team tryouts going on Landon missed batting
practice with her softball team on Sunday afternoon. So armed with a new bat
and a bucket of balls she and her dad hit the local ball park to make up for
missing batting. Yeah… here comes the “irony” part…. I was headed with LM to
pick up Magpie and the husband calls, with concern in his voice, which is NEVER
a comforting sound…. Lou had stepped down wrong going after a ball, he heard a
POP and she went down screaming.
They were headed to the ER. INJURED while running/walking
but set out of sparring to avoid injury…. irony. When they first got her
medicated and out of pain she was down right poetic about AMAZING her daddy
was!! All loopy and she keeps telling me, “Mom, you should have seen daddy!! He
scooped me up and RAN me to the truck!” “Dad was amazing mom!! He ran fast,
carrying me!! He is my hero!!” ohhh…… geesh…. Adoration status just jumped by
The FUNK foot!
1st Dr said severe sprain and that there is an old injury
showing on ankle. 2nd Dr says not sure, next morning his radiologist
calls and says tibia is fractured where it attaches to ankle, 3rd Dr (orthopedic Dr) says it’s
an old, healed fracture showing on x-ray. After 4 days of wild goose chase an
MRI has been set up for this coming Wednesday to determine what is going on.
Let’s pray that it is better by then!! She is crabby when she is incapacitated...
(this is how she spent the first few days, totally bummed out!)

and as dad is her HERO….. that leaves MOM on the receiving end!! Blah!! But we
have had some good laughs too…. Just hope she is back up and at ‘em soon!

This happened on Sunday night and by Monday night and set
the tempo for the school week. Little Man was running 102 degree fever and
would continue to run fever all week!! He stayed home with me and mom watched
him while I ran Lou to Dr’s appointments. He is feeling MUCH better today, just
has a lingering BARK of a cough!

It’s times such as these that make you realize how blessed
you are and remind you to give thanks for your children’s
health and able bodies. So VERY thankful!!

Magpie is doing good, got groovy, mod glasses the same day
that Lou got her contacts. So she is seeing much better too!! I will have some
exciting news to announce on her behalf soon, can’t WAIT to share that with allof you!!
SO proud of her!

She will also be turning the big 1-3 soon!!! Another
teenager!!! How is this possible!?!? Amazing to me!! And they are growing into
such lovely young ladies too!! To celebrate the occasion Mag has asked for one
and only ONE thing for her birthday request!! She is a Hunger Games fanatic!! She wants to see the movie on it’s release date for her birthday so we decided to turn it in to her party too!! We
reserved 10-15 seats for the showing that night complete with food, drinks,
popcorn…. Of course this required a special, one of a kind invitation!

Amazing what you can do with a computer program, VERY LITTLE
SKILL and some card stock!

I took the finished prints (four to a page) to OFFICE DEPOT
and for less than less than 8 bucks they printed them front/back on one piece
of card stock and laminated them. I brought them home, cut them out and put
each on a lanyard (also from Office Depot for about $6) And TAH-DAH!!!
Personalized VIP Passes for her movie premiere party!!! YAY for MAGPIE!!
There you have it!! Custom Made VIP Invites!!

Oh!! And I made my first FEATHER BOUQUET for a wedding!! The
bride-to-requested the colors champagne and sapphire blue, with peacock feather
accents! I love how it turned out! Makes me want to remarry Husband so I can
have a feather bouquet!

And some Facebook thoughts (you really do have them, if you
are an active facebooker then you think in “facebook thoughts” now too!) I have
TONS but these are just a few that have stuck with me:
My almost 13 yr old girl and almost 10 year old
boy were in the back of the house today and I heard giggling and snickering as
they shared their own little joke… THAT sure does warm a mother’s heart!!
I wish my CLOTHES iron worked as well as my Chi
straightening (HAIR) iron!!
If I could just get my wits about me FAST, when
I most needed them… I’d be a force to be reckoned with!!” lol
I am really thankful for Melissa M. for going
into this with me, grateful she shares the same values as me, and also that she
puts up with my random text messages!! Lol I do feel as though I am
reconnecting with an old friend in a way that I may not have if we hadn’t
jumped into this no facebooking situation!!
Oh!! And if you happen to be on crutches when your schools basketball team is in the playoffs..... duct tape those bad boys in the school colors!!

I've been missing you guys!! Leave me some comments!!


  1. Glad to see you back again. I will admit I have missed you on Facebook but it has gotten me thinking about what I will be doing for a fast at our church the 21 days before Easter. Probably should be social media!! Or maybe FOX News. Imagine the bible studying I could get done!! Raelene

  2. So happy and blessed to be in this challenge with you! I love getting your texts, and am glad you have put up with mine as well!! I often look for the "like" button when I receive them!! Ha!! And, most of all, am so happy to have our friendship get to grow during this time! I think it's pretty awesome how God can put the right opportunities in our life and even more awesome, the blessings that come from them when we answer His calling to take advantage of those opportunities. P.S. the b-day invites rock! Your kiddos are blessed to have such a creative, caring mother!!

  3. Raelene, I have missed you too!! Oddly I have seen you more in the passed two months than I did all last year I think!! One fun occasion and one that was anything BUT. I SO enjoy our visits! I will say a prayer for you and your 21 days of fasting!! Please let me know what you decide to "fast." I will say I have also read more of the bible during this time than I did in all of last year combined! And I have also read some VERY inspirational books. You should check out I know you have certain blogs you like to follow! I just finished Katie's book and this is the MOST inspiring young girl!! Her outlook and faith are ASTOUNDING! A modern day Mother Theresa, though not Catholic, nor a nun.

    Melissa, I think you would enjoy her story and her ministry too. And I have found such inspiration in knowing that you are striving in much the same ways I am; at growing in our faith and our relationship with Our Father, in incorporating our physical health with our spiritual health, in parenting and wifing (yes, I made that up, I think) with God at the healm! I LAUGH at our random "facebook thought" text and I draw strength and ideas from our more serious texting conversations!! Thanks for helping me through this!! Odd how our lives have mirrored each others over the years (the good and not so good parts, Have you noticed that??? Right down to the military spouses!!
